I ended up not getting even ONE knock on the door!! All was quiet, too quiet. I wonder if it's the calm before the storm? And just for good measure, I left the note on the door today! And I would like to be the Wicked Witch of the West (read the book on her, very interesting!). Green looks good on me and I would rock that broom and those damned monkeys would tow the line or end up BBQ'D flying Monkeys! That Witch was so judged wrong, if Oz only knew what he had in her, lol. Dorothy and that little So called Good Witch are the bad ones. Oh and I'm not supposed to blab this piece of gossip, but since your asking I will. Come a little closer so I can whisper in your ears..............
Dorothy and the white witch are "Partners" and Toto is really a female who has a crush on the lion who is not cowardly at all, but a great plotter who takes advice from the Tin man who has a habit of using the scarecrow as a pillow which pisses the scarecrow off but he has a thing for tin and would not mind if the tinman beat the stuffing out of him while Dorothy and the good witch watch whilst the lion chases his tail while keeping an eye out for that horny toto. *whew!*
But you did not hear that from me kay?
"Do not hate others for what you can not have, for maybe its that hateful way you have..maybe that is the reason you can not have what others have."
Heehee, check out what I put up on my door for tonight:
HAPPY HALLOWEEN KIDS! If the lights are off, please do not knock on the door. If you do knock, then a Goblin will be waiting for you under your beds for the rest of your lives!
The Witch of Woodbridge Crossing.
"Do not hate others for what you can not have, for maybe its that hateful way you have..maybe that is the reason you can not have what others have."