From one fighter to another.. I love that. I'm not in the military but in a sense are'nt we all.
Fighting, it is a part of life, isn't it.? I don't really like it. Especially the losing part. But, if anything, I have alot of respect for you and anyone else that is in the military and has no choice. I have choices. When I talk about fighting, I mean, getting multiple black eye sfrom some ugly biker chick or my ex or his son . So, Being the smart girl I am - You get a restraining order but in reality , It is bulsh###t compared to what is going on in the comparison. we are so privileged and yet,don't even know it. Being an American woman, we are lucky .....In the entire scheme of things, We are the lucky ones. For now, anyway.....
While most of us have not had to wear what you are wearing, we all have felt "Cagedin" more than once. For me being in the military is a lot like that most of the time and I struggle with it on a daily basis. And I too have gone off at the mouth more than once and had to pull my head out of my backside the next day and apologize. Not always an easy thing to do and your not always forgiven, but at least you did the right thing by saying sorry. At least if you really meant it, otherwise it does not mean jack no matter how pretty the words. Hang in there, you will survive and come out the stronger for it in the end!
From one fighter to another,
"Do not hate others for what you can not have, for maybe its that hateful way you have..maybe that is the reason you can not have what others have."
Well Cagedin........It's not going to be easy, that's for sure. Humans are most definitley meant to be with others and to move around and experience life. But you did something that landed you where you are and you can either take the situation and make it WORK FOR YOU or you can wallow in your own pity, get angrier and then at the end up your monitoring walk away even angrier at the world having learned nothing. It's your choice really. Whatever you do, DON'T allow yourself to veg in front of the television watching crap! Seriously! That's the worst thing you can do!
Now, if it were me....I'd stockpile books and do a hell of a lot of reading. Reading, itself, can take you on adventures to places you've never been (both real or imagined). They can teach you what you want to know in EVERY area of your life, they can teach you about people, what motivates them or how they differe from each other and books can even help to heal you. If you're not a big reader but like this idea, of using your time to go on 'adventures', start slow.
There are great travel books by Fodor that will just give you a glimpse into different countries history, culture, foods and people. Not heavy reading at all. Then if you're drawn to a place, get a deeper book on the subject. There are books on angel experiences and metaphysical subjects you might enjoy, the human condition...EVERYTHING!
Anyhoo.....I DO wish you luck and I'll send some prayers heavenward for you that you'll be able to handle and grow from your misdeeds and that when you're able to be 'free' again, your life will lead you to wondrous places! God Bless! Bella
Life is a flower of which love is the honey
~~Victor Hugo~~
Hi, I like you so much already. I can already tell. we will be / are friends.This electronic monitoring thing scares me to death. I don't want to soound like a baby but I don't have any kids and I haven't seen my dog in 2 weeks and I have to do this monitoring ting and I just break down.. sometimes.. If you can relate to that as a woman or a mother.... Thanks. peace be with you.....
Cagedin? I hope you are able to learn from whatever it was you did to make you end up in the situation you are in and I want you to know....that it CAN and WILL get better....
I say this because my old friend Debi (who I've know since Sophmore yr in HS and who knows and has shared my caring for Nic) has a son who ended up under house monitoring....for doing something dumb in HS.
He made it thru his 'punishment' and in the process....he grew as a human being, learned what he needed to learn and has been able to move on in life. I'll send a prayer heavenward that the same will be true for you! God Bless!
Life is a flower of which love is the honey
~~Victor Hugo~~
To answer your question-Yes, It is one of them. I have to wear it everywhere , even in the shower. I have to go get fitted next week. It is embarrassing.. Thanks for :
1. Forgiving my senseless stupidity
2. And your understanding. After all, without Forgiveness , understanding and kindness, where would we be....
no apolojy needed dude=-) i just thought you might get more help being nice. hey i run a few forums of my own so i know what it is like to have problems with electronics, if thats what you mean.
I once again want to express my sincere apology. I am truly sorry. What more can I say....
I truly am sorry... I lost it. It really had nothing to do with this.... Have you ever had to
participate in an electronic monitoring program? Probably not. Have you ever been wrong and
had to admit it ? ?/ Maybe not.. Well, here we are. I was wrong and I'm sorry. Can we settle this with some free concert tickets to see Tony Bennett . Do you like Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers at all????? Otherwise, Can we just drop this.
I want to apologize. I feel like an idiot. Iam truly sorry. I had a stressful day at work and got loaded and lost my mind. I wish I could delete this whole thread.
You need some anger management classes "bud". Or maybe just some simple computer smarts? Or maybe its just some common politeness. If you were not being such a "butt-hole" someone might try and help your sorry carcass.
.I am very disappointed in whoever is "handling the website here...". My Avatar is suddenly gone??? I don't like it...... What is that about... F***ck Y***ou
It appears that somone has taken my avatar off .It has suddenly disappeared ... I am not happy about this, not at all. You wanna piece of me?Oh, Did I say something wrong.... If I did ,
What the f**ck. I am such a threat , you elt you had to remove my Avatar???