I knew we shared the Rumi passion Bon, how cool about your former 'screen' names!
I just couldn't believe how the poem landed in my inbox ( I'm on a year long Rumi 'course' ) on the day the Ghost Rider news broke!
The 'soul and robe burn', 'two worlds' and the 'blaze' part is an obvious connection, but the 'patience' part resonated too, with how I was yearning to hear about whether the next Ghost rider was happening or not!
And now I just need to find a synchronistic poem for the yearning to hear when Season of The Witch is coming to the screen!
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands
You and me both Lula! I've always loved Rumi. I have various poetry books filled with his work. Two of them are filled with artwork as well. Also, I did have a good giggle when I read this post cuz it two of my old addy's/screen names used to be RUMIlvr and GOETHElvr.
"It is the highest form of self-respect to admit our errors and mistakes and make amends for them. To make a mistake is only an error in judgment, but to adhere to it when it is discovered shows infirmity of character" ~~~ Dale Turner ~~~
I know I'm not alone in my love for the great 13th century Persian poet, Rumi. I came across this Rumi segment for the first time a couple of weeks ago, on a day when I was yearning for more Ghost Rider news..and the synchronicity was not lost on me! It was a first for me... but apologies if it has already been posted!
Patience makes my soul and robe burn. Mine: everyone's. I say your name; my mouth breaks into flame - The two world's Blaze
~ Rumi ~
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands