Bonnie they have very good education but they happily fortune in this time!Is simple fortune!
They plane to go to the beach in those morning when all family were ready mother of my friend forgot her hat and want to the toilet, in this time when they all return to room was start flood!!!
:-)When the power of love overcomes the love of power,world will know peace:-) ~~~Jimmy Hendrix~~~
Wow, that must have been scary Anchoragebabe, I´m so glad to know you´re OK!!
And about the wintry weather... I thought we had a terribly cold, rainy and windy day here in Madrid at 41ºF, but... I think I´d better shut my mouth after reading your local low temps LOL.
You know what our high for the day is here today??? 6F!
But that's a heat wave for this time of the year! Last week....we had a day where it was -25F which felt like -36F with the windchill!
I've told my husband that when the children are grown I'm divorcing him during the winter months and heading someplace warm....
Anyone know what the temperature in Hungary is these days? I've heard there is a heating shortage there and our man must be freezing his rather well toned, but skinny butt off since SEASON seems to be an 'outdoor shoot'.
-- Edited by PITA B at 10:42, 2009-01-25
Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. ~~~~Shakti Gawain~~~~
Unfortunately for me I'm used to them. But there is one thing you and I have in common. COLD WEATHER! It's 23 degrees here for a high today! Gotta love it if you live here!!!