And add your brick today, make sure you follow these rules...
op Dog City is absolutely free and no registration is required to participate.
1.You may add 1 brick every month to as many of the buildings as you wish, so if there are 100 buildings, you could add 100 bricks on a monthly basis. (It doesn't matter what day of the month could add bricks on 30th June and then again on 1st July but you would not be able to add more until August and so on)
2.You can use the same name on your brick(s) in every month and on any building. So if you want the name "Jo Bloggs" to appear on all of your bricks that's OK, the choice is yours. Please remember that you brick will be on public display so if you wish to remain anonymous you should not type your real name.
3.Do not use your free bricks to display abusive messages, web site URL's, e-mails or advertising - they will be deleted and your name will be dumped in the public City Toilets.
4. How to get a building going: We require 10 nominations to get a new building launched - please read the instructions on how to nominate here
5. How to Add A Brick... Bricks are added automatically to existing buildings - please read the instructions on how to do this here