If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~~~Stephen Levine~~~
Wow! Thanks again for sharing all this with us, Brphoto. You've just confirmed what I've always heard about movie making. That is....that it takes hours to shoot a scene that may or may not make the final cut and will be only a minute or two in length! Yet! In the end, it must all be worth it for those who enjoy filmaking and want to experience the whole process! I'd love to be on set for a day or two just watching the process. :)
Oh....and I don't blame ya for holding close the films you got on set. Some things.....are more precious when saved to oneself. :)
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~~~Stephen Levine~~~
Um stories about the movie, well I dont know what I can and cannot say all that I know about is more about the times that I was on set
The first day I attended was on location at Melbourne University, it was an 8hr day starting at 6am, so you were rocking up on set and it was still dark, however thats more to get all the administration work out of the road, filming did not start till about 8/9am
We would also have wardrobe checks, everything had to stay the same for continuity reasons.
In one scene I am a Literature Teacher for MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and I met Nicholas Cage very briefly, he also runs past me in the scene, after about the 5th time I was like ...eh oh Nick again ...
I was then on set when they were filming in Heidelburg in a park were the letters are given to the Children, we had about 40 kids on set, it was insane to keep them all under control to say the least, when I was there I also got a chance to see some of the footage of the film, this was a full 10hr day, I was up at 5am in the morning to get on set at 6am.
The final location I was on set was at Camberwell High School, its only about 5mins from were I live. We were on set there for two days, we lost a day for the outside filming due to strong wind conditions, there fore we were called back the following Friday.
I was also involved with putting some Extra's on set through the agency that I work for, they called through late on a Friday and I was calling people till 12 midnight for the next day, this was the end of the world scene that was filmed on Lonsdale St in the cbd
Thats about all that I know from my side, I have a few photos from being on set however I will hold on to those ..there mine ;)
Yes, I too heard the film wrapped and that NC was back in LA. He slated to start his next film BAD LIEUTENANT next week in New Orleans! Gads....the man never quits!
Anyhooo........thanks for sharing with us about being in the film even if it was only your back that is visible in a scene. Can you share with us any stories about being on set or is that a strict no-no? We'd love to get a 'fly on the walls' viewpoint of what a movie set is like and especially what Nic is like while working!
Again, welcome to the forum! Don't be shy now!
BTW..........I'm amazed at how fast they put a trailer out! Is this normal?
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~~~Stephen Levine~~~
I believe the movie has wrapped up down here in Australia ...its good to see the trailer out, I even can see my back walking away in one particular scene
I was on set when it was shooting at Melbourne University, Heidelburg and also Camberwell High School
I look forward in seeing the movie when it hits the big screen
It should wrap soon because reports say he'll begin filming the Bad Lieutenant this summer......which.....is ...... now! LOL!
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~~~Stephen Levine~~~
I was watching a scene from nicolas cage's new movie KNOWING being filmed in geelong .You will see in the photos a traffic jam, which is created by the lead character in the rain wearing a hooded top so i guess its nic cage .The police seem to be trying to talk to him too see whats wrong (as i guess he knows whats about to happen) with onlookers from the cars standing around and then all the onlookers and police scramble out of the way and lead character stays and turns to look at the sky behind him and then ducks a few seconds later.He stands up and looks to where a jet has crashed and starts running to the scene.He runs down past the jet engine while its still running going past a person running from the scence to the tail section where you can hear a woman calling for help and with explosions going off around them.