...today in newspaper, Ala-din read: There, the land of his castle, is enough place for helicopter landing, his connection to the Airport Nuremberg (30 kilometer away)
It is true! Today, in every bavarian newspapers: Nicolas Cage, actor from California, bought a castle "Schloss Neidstein", near the home of the podcaster "Ala-din", which lives in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Bavarian, Germany. It is not a joke, it is truth. Ala-din said: I couldnt believe, but today every newspaper said the same, Nicolas bought the castle. Ala-din can go there by bike! It is very near to his house. Look: http://www.immonet.de/expose.do?object_id=5061993 Ala-din talked in the new episode of his Video-Podcast about the situation: http://www.immonet.de/expose.do?object_id=5061993 or look in iTunes: Ala-dinīs Podcast aus Bayern or look: http://ala-din.podspot.de/ Oh my God! My city will be so famous! I will do Fan-sightseeing to the castle!!!! Contact me!