Hi Everythingcage, Nice to have you here and we have cagealotcastle.com website for Nic fans every where. Seen your post on cagealotcastle forum. I love to have a magazine. I'll e-mail you for information where I can order it online or by mail. Thanks. Nancy Roelke
Hi, I'm a long time Nic. fan and first time poster. After watching all of Cage's films some friends and I have produced a short run magazine (or zine) titled 'Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Nicolas Cage (but were too afraid to ask)'.
It's 62 pages long, made by hand and then painstakingly photocopied and put together. It contains essays, a quiz, articles about Cage and his films, a couple of reviews and a ton of information about his strange history and life (I reproduced the contents page in one of the photos). Aimed at anyone with any interest in Cage (or even Cage-sceptics) it has a folding centrefold as well as drawings, maps, timelines and a pie chart of his influences!!
Took a lot of time and work and now I'm looking to distiribute it to anyone interested. There are only 30 individually numbered copies in existence, roughly half of which are already sold and I would love to pass it on to anyone on this forum.
£3 will cover my printing costs and I'll post for free anywhere in the U.K., if you live in the U.S. thats $5 (though I'll have to add a bit for airmail, think about $3.50 will cover it) and if you're anywhere else I'd love to send it but you'll have to email me so I can work it out.
Added loads of pictures below. Would really like to spread it around to anyone whose interested so either post here, or email me at everythingcage@gmail.com with any questions or to sort out paypal payment.