Hello Nice NIC. How are you today. Yes i think its not a very nice thing for the owner to just leave like she did. I was a member of the cagefactor site for along time and even though i left because i did not like the way some things were done i think it is a very low thing for the owner to leave all the people that were loyal to her and her site and forum. I enjoyed very much being a part of it while it was good. Sadly there was a lot going on with some people being rude and trying to be bossy when it wasn't there place. That was one reason i left and so did some others. Nic fans can be really nice and welcoming and they can be very protective and mean. I saw them not so nice to some members and I couldnt be apart of that anymore.
I was just searching for old Nic photos because my brother saw him in a movie and I had some time to look up for a change. Its been so long i did not even remember my user names and pass words any more so i just made a new member but i was here a long time ago but very shy. I thought i could some and see how this website was going and who is still here and I find it like this. I dont know who anyone is because i cant see any users using real names. We always used our names before and i dont know why the change.
I know the fansite you are talking about well i think i do. If i am right you are talking about the really really big website that was called CAGEBYPAGE and was all done by a really nice and friendly lady called sky if thats the site you mean. I got to know her when she made a new group with the lady who owned this. They called it Nicsinfo and they did a lot of good things. I did know of sky she was a very nice happy lady who i think lived in australia or somewhere faraway. I didnt know her as good as lots of others because i had my child whose sick to take care of. But i did know her and like lots of people i liked her very very much as she always felt like someone you had always known and she was so very funny that i was always laughing at the things she would write. Her website for Nick was the best and the biggest theres ever been and lots of fans loved it for lots of reasons. Some people closed some webpages because Nick didn't visit but I dont think she cared about that stuff she just wanted it to be a place where people would laugh have fun and to read everything Nick was up to and she sure did have lots of thingson to read there. I was sad i had to leave for a really long time because i had a new baby who was born very sick and i had to be with him in the hospital. I was really sad when I come back and sky and her pages was gone. Others and me asked about her at Nicsinfo and at cagefactor but all our posts never got seen some said others were reading them first but i dont know how you could do that. Then me and some others got messages saying we were not aloud to post anything about sky or her website if we did we would get taken off. They said she was a bad person and that she lied and she stole things and we should not give or say anything to her. I thought it was a joke because everyone kept saying that they never judged anyone and listened to everyones opinon and i thought how do you steal from online you cant. And i knew she was one of the leaders who found the group so how and why steal stuff she put there. I didnt believe what they said to me and most people so at first i tried to just be nice to everyone but some of them for along time stopped talking to me and didnt reply to anything and if i posted something it said deleted by someone.
Now its been along time and i just think nobody liked that she was new and happy and freindly and she did do a really good job with her website. I think some people took sides and were jealous that she got on very well with this owner and lots of others with Nick sites and fans and because she was new i think they were scared she did good real soon after coming there. I was sad because i just wanted everyone that like Nick get along and enjoy all the websites. I know people liked her website because she was really clear that Nick and all his family had there privacy protected and she wouldnt let anyone put up anything that was about his family or put up family photos or anything that wasnt his work. A lot of people really looked up to her for that because so many fansites put up anything and i dont think he would like them for that. I remember someone saying at the Nicinfo that they and lots of others got some big parcel gifts that sky sent them all and all was really big. I dont know if that was true but i guess you don't lie about getting free gifts i wish i got one. LOL I dont know what happened to her but i remember her husband or child leave a message on her website saying she had gotten cancer and had to close it down and open it again when she was better. I hope she is okay because it never came back. I do miss her funnyness (is that a word LOL) and her cagebypage. It had so much about Nick on it and was great for fans and i remember reading her and some fans made Nick a calender and she sent it to him for his birthday or xmas i think and i wished i was there to do. Nick getting something from me. lol She also sent him some aligator skin things and shark tooth or like that and he had the aligator one on at the Awards. She showed the photo but did not get a big head like if you know what i mean. She was just happy for us and I was back then thinking to myself Wow that would be really a big proud moment that i want to yell out because i know he likes snakes and things. It just gave me goose pimples thinking about him wearing them is that silly. Now all the sites are gone though. The AMC one sorry i dont remember what that meant went when the owner got angry that our Nicky didnt know she was there and doing it. That was silly becasue the fans liked it but of course you have to know Nicky is very busy man who works a lot and maybe never gets the time to see everything online. So thats what happened NICe Nic.
Sorry Nice NIC but thats about all i remember right at the moment. Maybe there are some people who were around more than me back then who read what you have posted and know more about what happened to sky and can help you. I think there are some still here that were not very nice but maybe time has changed now. I have two disabled sons now and dont get much time to do these things anymore but i wanted to find some new Nick photos to cheer me up and was shocked to see everything i new gone.Very sad.
I think it is very rude of this colleen after all lots of people have given over all the many years. I know stuff happens like it has to me but i think a little explaining thats the least miss colleen or her husband if she has one maybe could do that. I dont care really because i would not come back here after what shes done and i would rather find a place where they care about me properly. Its not fair to use her fansite name when she abandoned everyone. You should all start afresh new place with no bad negativety energy on it. Even if this is going which i dont think they should how can they do anything with it when isnt it hers. I see people have tried to find her and its just a very mean thing to not reply to them. I dont mean to upset anyone who knows her because i liked her for along time but i dont think her name or this site should get any attention after this that shes done. There are lots of people who spend lots of time getting links and photos like the other site i like that is nicbiz and they are ones who should get noticed not people who dump their friends and followers without hearing anything from them. Its just rude and i am not sure but dont you have to pay for these sites or something and if you do who is paying it if she is missing or is she paying it but just ignoring everyone. That is just a really low thing to do and i am not suprised after reading some things she has said and being why i had to leave. Is she keeping all the things people have given to her all these years. I just think that is a really really bad way to treat people and some of those things are not for her to keep but I dont think you will see them again.
Sorry i write a lot i dont get much time anyday but today my brother come with his friends and they take mu boys out so i could have a rest and some time to me which is very nice of them because my brother is only visiting. Also my boyfriend work nights so i dont like to wake him while he rests.
Thankyou for listening if you did it was nice to talk to a Nick fan after so long. I wish i could see his movies but its to hard. My brother sees some at the cinema and he comes home to tell me all about them and i think at least i have that and he is a nice brother as he takes photo of the posters in cinema for me. LOL One day I maybe get more time to find a place to talk again. You seem like a nice person maybe we get along.
I know i dont have any say but i really think you should start your new fansite with a new name for Nick and it will be like a new start with a new name for a new time in everyones lifes. That is just what I think because i would like to be in a new group one day but like i say i dont like this fansite has to much lies and bad memorys.
I think i should say goodbye now. I dont get computer time much after work and i have never ever written so much and is maybe why my fingers hurt right now. LOL LOL LOL I never said very much because i have been very shy a lot of my life and dont go out of my house but only for work. I have tried working very hard on my shyness more for my boys so maybe this is why i write so much for the first time in my life. lol Everyone please have a very nice day. Thankyou again.
Thankyou all.
Nic fan Lisa
-- Edited by Lisa_74 on Friday 4th of January 2013 10:25:02 AM
What she just gone taken down fan site and left everyone not saying anything reason. Sorry but that very rude. I visit site only a little but it just go is not good. If she maybe unwell someone know she does site and tell us. Why not sell it keep it going for fans and Nick? Maybe she want control of it all but you said the other lady gave her everything so it not very nice not to pass that on I think. I little bit remember admire my cage and a newsletter sent to me from nics info. That was the one with the nice lady who had the big site for Nick Cage by pages and she and the cagefactor lady founded Nics Infos which I was member. They made that together and it was really fun. Maybe that lady knows whats happened to this lady but I the cage by pages lady not well. I was really sad when cage by pages had to go it was really really good and her and the other fans was so friendly and she didnt let peoples talk about Nicks gossip or pictures which I thought was caring. She new every thing about Nick and was biggest site I ever see for him. I think that go cause her bad illness which was sad. I always like cagefactor site and visited alot but it didnt have as much as the cage by pages which I visited alot to. I wish both was all still here. I hope both owners ok and tell us fans where they are. It makes me very mad. It really not nice just to go away and dissappears when fans always been here and tell her stuff and for Nick.
If any one of you find them please let us know they are ok and why this site gone. Sorry about my english hope I said right. Thankyou
How true BeenHereb4! Yes, it's all of us fans and people who just want to know and keep up with every thing about our fab actor Nicolas Cage here on the Forum. I agree with you about tradition about keeping an Nick Forum around no matter what it will be called if the fans continue to support it like US! Thanks, for your support and everyone here on this Forum. Keep it going. We will always be Fans to Nick Cage and that what's makes this Forum worth while. Nancy
Hey Nan......it is so heartening to know that the Nicfans of the world really just want to have a place to 'play' and 'pay' homage to an amazing actor. I know that the tradition will continue no matter what the forum is called as long as people gather together in unity. :)
Hi All, I'm sad too about finding out that Cagefactor is gone for good but lets hope that the Forum continues on either in a new form and website or just staying as is. I'm been a big fan of Nick's for awhile and when I found out about this website and Forum I joined right away. Been a member for a few years now. I like to thank all the fans who made this website and Forum possible. I became to know many nice fans and keeping up great News about Nick and about his movies. I want to continue with this because of Nick's new films to come. Ghost Rider 2 and National Treasures 3. I was so pleased to see Nick in The Sorcerer's Apprentence in the movies (twice) and it was so Awesome movie. Nick does deserve his fans everywhere and I hope he had seen this wonderful website before it was taken down. Lets hope for a new one to come. nancy
"There's always a chance A tiny spark remains, yeah And sparks turn into flames And love can burn once again, but I know you know Whenever you call me, I'll be there Whenever you want me, I'll be there......."
Sorry for my belated answer folks. I agree this thing has taken the Nicsters closer together than we´ve been in a long time.
(Lula dearie, thanks for your kind words.... made me very emotional. And Bonnie, how you know me: yeah baby, done with fish! But after a fire is put out there´s often a possibility of rekindling some warmth *wink*)
It's kinda nice to see that, when I joined this forum, there really wasn't many posters at all. But lately, with this entire deal, we seem to have come together and really started discussing what to do.
I think it shows hope that we can actually accomplish something great together if we just try and give what we think could be useful!
You're a sweetie, ya know that? And don't forget, dearie.....you have been an integral part of this forum as well, posting and sharing goodies! That's why I'm really hoping that everyone can band together and regroup so that a fun, welcoming forum can be had for all Nicfans!
Hi all, Sorry it's taken a while for me to comment it's partly been a case of feeling a bit stunned and partly wanting to have a good think about things and partly the usual madness in my life has gone into chaotic hyperdrive this part week so i've had zero spare head, or soul, space!
Firstly I just want to say how sad I personally feel for the loss of Cagefactor.com the website. It was a really fantastic site, lived up to it's rep as the most complete Nicolas Cage site for many years, with so much history and content, and although never officially acknowledged, I think for all Nic fans it was the Nic site for many years post Toncas.
And huge thanks to Colleen for all the hard work she has given freely over the years, running any kind of site really is, as Bon rightly says, a full time occupation requiring dedication, passion and committment. There is absolutely no judgement to be made of colleen feeling like it's come to the end of the road in terms of her own participation and wishing her all the very best of everything, with heartfelt gratitude to all she given us all.
The double sadness comes for me however that Colleen didn't feel able to hand over the baton to someone else..i can think of no better person to have taken it over than you Bonnie, and I am sad that your offer was refused. You yourself have tirelessly freely given over the years and especially here on the forum, you deserve a medal. You bring that extra special warmth and sense of community that brings people together, and you have that wonderful libran balance helping to keep things in perspective as well as that generous spirit and passion. And none of us can blame you either, for coming to the point of total saturation and withdrawal from Nic world, though it makes my heart sad.
Mara, you too my lovely, you have given so much here, and it is so sad to lose your intelligent gentle brightness from the forum. My friend, the way you write, your post in this thread a shining example, is superb and magnetic and I can't help but miss it madly.
Ok so that all sounds a little dramatic, but I just feel all the hard work and dedication needs acknowledging!
So ((((((( thank you ))))))) to all the beautiful souls who have brought Nic world to life over the years!
Love to all!
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands
I have no clue what's up. I noticed that the owner hasn't even signed in here for over six months now. I've tried emailing her but I haven't gotten an answer yet. Maybe everyone else can try the same thing?
And yes....it's a very nice thing that friendships and fun have been had here at the Cagefactor forum! A silver lining in what seems to be a cloud, eh?
Ahhh.......Nicfans truly are a loyal bunch! I really do hope that enough members will join in and maybe even join force to make sure that this or quite possibly some other new Nic forum can continue to exist in full measure.
To that effect, I will start a new Topic line and see if any of you are interested in doing such a thing.
Oh and Mara......John Laroche? Done with Fish? Gottcha......... ;)
Wow. The zeal. I wonder if Nic himself is really, really aware of this simple fact, the zeal of his fans.
It´s a sad day indeed when the last of the comprehensive, respected and hugely popular Nic Cage sites out there is taken down. But, what they can never take away from the Nicsters is all the shared fun and the joie de vivre, Nicster style *wink*!
Bonnie, you´re our resident "mom" and a legend of Nic forums since like forever, but all this doesn´t make your passionate appeal the less moving or compelling. Loyal support, playful wit, respectful honesty and caring friendliness is an asset for any forum, and you´ve provided those and much more, aplenty. Thank you. And thank you all of you Nicsters past and present who have equally been loyal, witty, playful, respectful and friendly towards each other during all these years. Aaaah we had a rollicking good time, didn´t we? Well, there´s no reason why this should cease while Nic´s movies are out there for everybody to enjoy and discuss and swoon about! Let the new generations of Nicsters take over and sweep the man off his feet...
As for me. I have an annoying tendency to take French leave. It´s the reclusive in me. Please forgive me for that. For some time now I´ve been away from this forum, which I regret since I miss you all but somehow cannot help it. I simply drifted away, which wasn´t intended on my part at first, it just sort of happened in a John Laroche kind of way. As became more and more inmersed in my translation work I found I had less free time on my hands, but also that my interests were shifting in another direction. Whimsical little me, LOL! To be honest with you, I certanly won´t be a fixture around here as I used to, neither lurking or posting. Ten years of daily perusals have exhausted my enthusiasm I guess. But I´m 100% sincere when I say this: I owe Nic Cage the artist, and I owe the good people of the different Nic forums, especially this one, much of my present sanity. And this I will never forget, and for this I will ever be thankful from the heart. I mean that.
Please carry on with the forum, on Nic´s behalf but also for your own sakes. You moderators and regular posters are doing a wonderful job, keep it up! And you lurkers... take the plunge and join in the fun, it´s really worth it, take it from me the resident lurker!
Bonnie´s right: if this place is frenzied with posts it will probably escape the fate of its sister website and continue to be a haven of sorts where fans can have nice simple fun, nothing more, nothing less. Nic Cage, the hard working actor, daring artist and unique talent, deserves to have a loyal following on the Net, especially since the public perception of him is taking a not so nice turn these days.
And with this I take my leave. I love you all. Hugs, the Spanish way (i.e., squeezing tight)
-- Edited by mara on Monday 9th of August 2010 06:51:45 AM
:) Yeah, if I were to start something, I think I'd go for doing an actual fan-page. Because, well so far at least there is this forum, but what we Nic fans are in need of really is a proper fansite, which is well-executed and updated.
Take a look at http://poppymontgomery.free.fr/ for example. It keeps updated, has a great gallery of both photos and media, biography etc.
There are a lot of these sites for a lot of actors and actresses, but for us Nic-fans, now with Cagefactor shutting down, there really isn't much like that around.
If I were to start something, it would be because I think that we, as fans, need a place like that.
But yeah, I would need a partner, I'm pretty clear of that. Have been running a few blogs and minor sites before, and it's a lot of work with it.
So if I ever find my dreamteam, I'll get back to this idea. :) But it's gonna be there at the back of my head at least.
So nice to 'meet' you! Having hung around and having run a forum/fanclub, I can tell you what works and doesn't work on a fanforum. What I will tell ya right off the bat is that it's best if you work with someone else so that all the work and responsibility doesn't fall on just your shoulders. Someone who you 'click' with, who has fun and crazy ideas to drum up different conversations and who can help you create excitement. A successful forum has to have people who 'riff' off each other......and where OTHERS ALWAYS FEEL WELCOME TO JOIN IN.
Where no one is excluded and people aren't judged, but accepted.
Also, a forum does run the risk of attracting 'off' people so it has to be monitored closely for troublemakers and people whose energy is negatve.
There have been a few other Nic forums out there that have tried to become what TONCAS/ADMIRE MY CAGE and CAGEFACTOR were at the height of their zenith. But they never took off for various reasons, mostly having to do with the attitudes of it's members. EVERYONE has to be made to feel welcome yet you have to keep a watchful eye. Diplomacy is a must even if someone is rubbing you the wrong way. I should add this: Running a fan forum shouldn't be a tit for tat exercise against other fan sites. They all have their pluses and minuses. The point is that they should be fun for the fans and they should honor the celebrity/person that they are dedicated too.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that running a fan forum is work but it is FUN WORK!
Good luck if you do decide to try to start up a new forum. Young blood is a necessary to keep up the excitement and to move with the times. Enjoy!
-- Edited by BeenHereb4 on Sunday 8th of August 2010 09:32:17 AM
There are so very few Nic-sites out there, that it's sad to see another one go.
I really, really, really hope that this forum won't shut down, because if it does, there will be very few places for us fans to discuss.
I've done some webdesigning and such in the past, and I would love to make something dedicated to Nicolas and all his fans. The site we really deserve.
But since I'm moving soon, I don't really know to what extent I would be able to keep it updated and running while I'm away.
I'll definetly consider it though, but I take it very seriously so I wouldn't want to do it if I can't do my best.
Anyway, I at least am going to try to be active on this forum, in hopes that it won't too shut down.
Hi ALL.....A true story to tell............ I've been a "Nicfan" for about a dozen years now and have been an on/off active members on the three most incredible fan sites ever devoted to Nic for 10 years, this being one of them.
Before this forum (which is a spin off from CAGEFACTOR) came into existence, there was the massively popular TONCAS site. TONCAS stood for The Original Nicolas Cage Appreciation Society and it WAS a true society. It was online for about four years, maybe five, and it boasted around 1,000 members. On any given day, there were anywhere from 10 to 40 ACTIVE posters posting, virtually every day. It was a place where fans not only discussed the incredible actor, Nic Cage, but also created games and topics, songs and poems and where we shared each others lives. We held contests, raised money to place congratulatory ads in trade papers for Nic and we even held two NICFESTS, where members came from all over the world to have a funfest in honor of Nic. It was an amazing group of fans who belonged to Toncas. Sadly, because of some shenanigans and the ensuing drama caused by various members, Toncas was pulled from the web by it's owners.
At the time of TONCAS, there were also two other very popular websites devoted to Nic. The first was called ADMIRE MY CAGE and it was run by the highly talented and very devoted Nicfan, Renee. There was also CAGEFACTOR which was run by another very talented and supportive Nicfan, Colleen. Both of these sites were more traditional websites, not fansites, as it were. They held a tremendous amount of current news and pictures for any Nicolas Cage fan to immerse themselves in and they were extremely popular websites to peruse. Both Renee and Collen were active and highly esteemed members of TONCAS. In fact, at various times they were on the 'board' and filled important posts necessary to running the highly popular and active fansite, TONCAS. Without them, TONCAS would not have been what it was, the ULTIMATE Nicolas Cage fansite.
After Toncas was pulled, the owner of ADMIRE MY CAGE, decided to pull her own site and she gifted the owner of CAGEFACTOR with much of her websites content. The owner of CAGEFACTOR graciously accepted the 'gifts' and incorporated much of it into who her website, making it grow and it then became the only ORIGINAL Nicolas Cage fansite left online.
CAGEFACTOR then split into two entities, the fansite, found at Cagefactor.com, and THIS FORUM. Both owned by Colleen.
Thru the years the original fansite, CAGEFACTOR, has slowly ceased to be active and sadly............as I was told by a very loving, devoted and quietly supportive fan of Nic's, has NOW BEEN PULLED from the web.
Leaving only this original forum in it's wake. (BTW, There are a few other Nic fansites out there......one being the very up to date and artistically produced http://nicolas-cage.biz/).
A few years back I offered to purchase this site from Colleen to make it into what I envisioned it could be. Sadly, she said no to me and continues to own the content and broadband on which it exists. At this point, I'm sincerely hoping that this forum is not next in line for being pulled.
So what I propose to ANY and ALL NICFANS out there is this.................
MAKE THIS PLACE SO ACTIVE, SO VIBRANT, SO COLORFUL that it will ONCE AGAIN draw lots of conversation, pictures, camaraderie of fans, and therefor become THE NIC PLACE TO BE! Make it the place that when Nic wants to see how his 'fans' are fairing and what they are thinking of his work, the place he comes to visit! Which, for those of you who don't know, he has said he does do.
Make THIS FORUM so popular that it will continue to remain on the web!
If I could, I would try myself to do as I propose here but I simply can't. For various personal reasons, I find that I can no longer be as active as I once was in the world of Nic. And trust me, I was active! (ask anyone from years back....LOL)! But I can stop by from time to time to read what's out there and to once in awhile post a goodie and I promise I will continue to do so. I'll be here.....in the shadows....rooting for all of you!
OH............Truly! I am sooooooo hoping that ALL OF YOU, the newer NICFANS, can pull together and become a real family, the way that the original Nicolas Cage appreciation society once was. It was an amazing place dedicated to an amazing man. And it was a FUN place to be. You guys can make it happen here if you all group together and step up to the 'plate' as it were!
Folks! Nicolas Cage is an awe-inspiring and talented actor and a man who devotes time, energy and money into working on behalf of the children of this world He DESERVES a fabulous, dedicated group of fans who show their admiration of HIM. So..............to anyone willing......I say this..............Please.....