poor mara, you work too hard. i will try my hand at the translation, but cut me a little slack. it has been 15 years since madame bencze hit me in the back of the head with a french text book. at least she didn't throw desks like the priests'. LOL!
7.03 million people (that is 28.4% of the public) have watched tuesday night's film benjamin gates NT with nicolas cage, on TF1, thus permitting it to dominate the night's audience. on France 3 the 2 episodes of the family series have lured 4.21 million television viewers, namely 15.9% of the public.
hey mara, how the frick does daccueil translate?
hope this helps, and is at least semi-accurate merci, madame
7,03 millions de personnes (soit 28,4% du public) ont regardé mardi soir le film Benjamin Gates et le trésor des templiers avec Nicolas Cage sur TF1, permettant ainsi a la Une de dominer les audiences de la soirée. Sur France 3, les deux épisodes de la série Famille daccueil ont séduit 4,21 millions de téléspectateurs, soit 15,9% du public.
I loved this movie so wonderful and exciting style in which Nicholas was a beautiful and thoughtful I've seen it through the DVD On the TV channels have offered the first part really admirable
"No discussion -- no deals." - Face/Off Script. "You are what you love, not what loves you." - Adaptation. SAY IT LOUD - I'M A NICAHOLIC AND I'M PROUD XD!!!
What can I say? You can't resist his attraction :}}.
"No discussion -- no deals." - Face/Off Script. "You are what you love, not what loves you." - Adaptation. SAY IT LOUD - I'M A NICAHOLIC AND I'M PROUD XD!!!
Hey guys, the main Spanish TV network (which is going sans ads in an effort to regain credibility but is total crap anyway) showed NT without commercial breaks a couple of weeks ago. Turns out, it was the televised movie most viewed since 2007, with a 29% share and nearly 6 million viewers, with 14 million in total tuning in during the film.