I have often wept for the animals of the world. They struggle so to survive with humans.
"Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do" ~~Gian Carlo Menotti~~
I went to see G-Force today, and to my surprise Speckles is indeed
the 'mole' inside the team and he wants to take revenge on human beings.
His anger is reasonable cuz humans had treated this breed cruelly in order to satisfy their need for recreation. This reminds us nowadays how much the damage people have brought to other creatures and probably some will soon extinct just because of our 'effort' to make the environment more comfortable to us. Maybe these innocent animals, like Speckles, would turn on us once they had the ability, maybe not. The envionment, however, has done so, and we can see from every horrible scene after natural disaters strike our country. Therefore, Speckles's anger makes it important that we should spare no effort to protect our environment; otherwise, we will answer for the consequences.
Except for this serious lesson, the whole story is great, interesting, and kinda funny. Also the agents are very cute! Hope ya all enjoy it! :)
LOSERS always whine about their best. Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.