Creative Commons; see such acts in the museums of Turkey reserves the imprint of important people, and the idea of the significant technical fingerprint hands will keep them for myself.
I would like to see how his thumbs sit on his hand, if they bend back as part of his natural pose. See I read faces and hands, and if your thumbs tip backwards, it means that money runs off of your hands. His manager is being sued for mismanagement of his funds. The manager states he is a spsendthrift. If he is a spend thrift, his thumb will naturally arc backwards in a relaxed state. (My Dad and Michael Jackson both have thumbs that arc backwards quite a bit, and both were very free with their Generosity, Skills, and with their money.)
Enough said... I think I read in TONCAS, ages ago, that during the Con Air shooting they had made a mold of Nicīs hands out of clay for a charity and that it was being auctioned. I cannot find the pic for that, but it made for a fine sculputure... it was a beautiful thing.