Dear Jenny I´m gonna be forty soon so I´m beginning to regard twentysomethings as children LOL! But I´m guessing you´ll make me change my mind cause you´re young at heart...
I´d love to go to your country and meet you... maybe when the economy gets a lil´ bit better? Remember, tell your secretary to free up your schedule as soon as I land on the airport, you´ve got to introduce me to all your best-looking students and that will take long, hehehe....
My students are from 24 to 26 - I ao not think they are children. BTW - your visist is wellcomed, When I ´v stop jumping in my office /very happy from your visit/ then tell to my secretary to arrange some free time.
THIS IS NOT JOKE. jenn I like your definition of sin, I v done a lot of similar one
LOL! Okay. Sin= something V-E-R-Y N-A-U-G-H-T-Y in the racy department... if you want I can make you a sketch or a blueprint or a step plan... or a declaration of principles, hehehe...
The thing is, I don´t like children Jenn....I enjoy adults much better, we´re on equal terms. Maybe any of your cutest students could make me change my mind??? I would love to plan a visit to Slovakia to find out, LOL!
i do not think that love and passion related matters coukd be ascribed as sins. And age, lord, what are u talking about? In your age and also in my - this is the best age to start datin with somebody ten years younger /hollywood examlpe/. Sometimes I consider some of my students to be sexy like hell, but sorry hand out - no making sex before passing exaMS /CONFLICT OF INTEREST/ LOL.
JENN, Lets arrange your Slovakia trip, we could find somebody in my student whe could love spanish temperament. lol
Unfortunately I´m not very drawn to that Lycan guy Bonnie is partial to, and the guy you posted below is not my size, ehem I mean my age... Do you think that some other stallion replacement could be in order for me Doc? Or should I remain a bereaved maiden for the rest of my days, as a penitence for my sins??
i see that you are hopeless my dear girls, only Bonnie was succesfully treated, so, lets go to the Bonnie´s message bellow and try....
LOL, lets figured out something stronger, AC/DC cramps?
O NIC, could you save us? Please tell something like you hate your fans and the only woman in your life is and will be Alice, prettey please.............
Jenny dear, not to dicsourage you on your heroic efforts, you´re un doubtedly an excellent doctor but... I must join the ranks of the incurable ones because the cure isn´t working for me either. The only thing that comes to my mind is, where´s that fallen angel look that I looove??...
I don´t know, maybe I need a stronger treatment to counteract the excrutiating withdrawal symptoms...
Face it Lula........From a laywoman's point of view.....You might as just well get used to this Nicmalady. It isn't fatal but it is something you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. :)
"Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do" ~~Gian Carlo Menotti~~
Perhaps I'm not such a lost case after all !! I have had one hellova day today....and what's the first thing my mind thinks of when I come back here? The boy in the blue briefs!!!
I'm almost shocked at myself! Maybe your therapy is working Jenn!
....but, *sigh* as I was scrolling down the page on my phone, I kind of got stuck at Gwen's picture of topless Nic! And I start to wonder...wouldn't those blue briefs bring out the blue in Nic's eyes....?! What do you think doc, a stronger medicine, or maybe a higher dose?
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands
Dear Gwen, everything starts in your head, my dear, lets TRY repeat it several times BTW this shaking with your head was no all right. you have just to do your best. LOL
You know, for more expensive treatment more serious insurance is required. LOL dear , I am just a kidding you, I am also the uncurable one
Ditto Lula! OMGosh Jenny,didn't mean to disappoint you but it doesn't work for me either!Rescue me! I thought about this pic Your 'cure' is not my kind,sorry! Ahh Doc,don't let me die!
I think it is a time to put an end to your troubles. Although I am not an expert in this field, I woud also need na expert ´s help, so.
This is first lesson, especially for GWEN, but I hope this lesson could be helpfull for other memebers.
Look at this picture, keep you look as long as possible. then close your eyes and shake you head as long as possible.
Then answer the question: Who damn is NIC CAGE?
The procedure should be performed several times per day. If this is not enough effective, then we can use something stronger. LOL PS. Bonnie, does not browse in this file, you have a private one: jenny