Bonnie when I read this(I read this after that I give coment in your topic in members chit chet)I understand that I'm new member too!!)))Is funny, isn't it?
I want wish to all readers on this forum,that you find good new to you facts about NIc!!
:-)When the power of love overcomes the love of power,world will know peace:-) ~~~Jimmy Hendrix~~~
I just wanted to say WELCOME and THANK YOU to the 230 new members that joined this site in the last year! I know many of you just come by to read but several of you have taken the plunge and joined into conversations with the regulars.
No one should ever feel the need to be shy about posting, ok? We're a warm and friendly group and we're happy to have you here! It's a great place to make friends, share and talk about Nic Cage and also to chat about other things, close to our individual hearts.
So......Don't be shy! JOIN IN!
:) Bonnie (the resident blabbermouth)
Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. ~~~~Shakti Gawain~~~~