Thanks for sharing your time and thoughts on your days off Tracy! It's been a great discussion and given me alot to think about. I do like to be pushed to the edges of my understanding sometimes, and I've found myself questioning many things this year relating to my own fandom and what does and does not feel comfortable to me, which this convo is helping me to further clarify.
I get what you are referring to now as the 'reality like tongue' of truth, you mean the actual truth, not the speculation, Nic's truth....
....Which I certainly don't know or have the right to....and nor do the vast majority.... So all the more important to deconstruct what we are presented with, and always have an awareness to look from a different angle.
I think the reports coming from those who are in direct or indirect contact must be incredibly minimal. Is it naive to hope those people would respect confidentiality and privacy? Probably, but only in the context of the very climate we're discussing. Even still, a first hand 'perception' of something, even one person removed from the source, can be charged and or exaggerated and become something else entirely...
Agreed, the media is amazing, maybe I should be more respectful of the machine that brings me gorgeous Nic pics! It is an incredible tool with such an immense power and capacity, it is a mighty influential and driving force..which is why how it is used is all the more important . Personally I feel it could be more constructively utilized.
I love your libran ways Pita B, it's true you do have an amazing capacity to have a balanced view. I'm an Aries ram.....wonder what that says about me. I can be quite dark on things sometimes....nothing is one dimensional. i'm trying to be open to the full spectrum... I'm under no illusion that Nic has the perfect life or is an angel leading a charmed existence, because he's human just like the rest of us and we all contain dark and light and all the shades between and life happens to everyone. But.even if a person was going through tough times, how many have to do that under a world spotlight and often cynical speculation?
I know it's not just Nic, I don't think I said he was being singled out particularly, though I do reckon he gets a rough ride. I did mention it's the whole celebrity culture, but I personally feel just because that culture exists, with its hard edge 'reality' vibe, doesn't mean it can't be challenged or that it's right. And because it is the climate that prevails, it almost becomes normalized and accepted and kind of ingrained in the collective psyche, but for me I need to question that.
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands
BTW made a very good point when you said that you never really know WHO it is making comments on a blog or forum. Many comments can be 'plants' to either dissuade viewers from seeing a movie or liking an actor or vice versa....can be trying to extol the virutes of either.
Personally, I take most everything I read with a grain of salt. That's why I like to read several sources and viewpoints on all issues before making up my own mind.
Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. ~~~~Shakti Gawain~~~~
Ooooooh.............I just love reading serious debates...........hearing and/or seeing two sides of the 'coin' are what makes my day, anyday. Must be the Libra in me, I guess.
Anyhooo............for my unworthy two cents.............
I agree with all of you!!!! LOL! (Another Libran trait)......
Seriously tho.........I can't wait for the day that Nic disappears from the big screen for a few years to devote himself to maybe some writing or directing of his own stuff and then......viola.......appears out of the midst in some film that totally BLOWS us away showing us that ......
"Baby......I still got IT".
I'd be the first one jumping up and down and telling the nasty faithless naysayers....."YO! That's MY Man"........."Ain't he something"????
Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. ~~~~Shakti Gawain~~~~
One last thing... When you stated: So the reality like tongue ...who's reality? Well... my meaning there, is the reality not for what was created but for what is actually true or there.
We all are sensitive when it comes to Nic - heck, I have a heck-of-a-time defending him on my blog and to friends, co-workers and family - it's brutal. Their comments have nothing to do with the media but their own opinion based on watching his movies.
But what I've learned and especially working in Hollywood, you have no idea on whether or not any person including myself, that has commented positively or negatively about Nic, has ever had personal contact with him or possibly in his employ or in his circle of friends and family or simply just gossiping. You don't know if one of the TMZ commenters are that of his brother or an AD on the set of one of his movies, someone in his employ who has personal knowledge...
There's a very well-known producer who makes it a point to talk about his experiences with actors anonymously on blogs and websites. Some of it is great positive stuff - and some, not so positive. So when you're talking about "reality-like tongue" for me, that means, from personal knowledge or dam close to it. Or, passion about a situation just as you've expressed your passion here.
And yes, while the media which includes photogs, can be critical, it's not all bad Lula . It's also the media that brings such wonderful rare insights, stories, interviews, reviews, publicize Nic's movies, and pictures of our guy Nic... Access, we as fans would not normally have. To me, that's balanced. If it weren't for the media, no celebrity would have that word attached to their name and we would probably not have much to talk about on Cagefactor. Because lets face it, alot of our postings come from the media. Does Nic get a bad wrap sometimes, sure, but so does Tom Cruise - as I say, it comes with the territory.
So, it's important Lula that you continue to spin negative articles about Nic into a positive light - that's what's going to continue to keep it balanced. Besides, Fox's Bill O'Reilly from "The Factor" seems to be the only person who has problems with people in the "No Spin Zone."
By the way, I would not normally be commenting this much except I'm off work for a whole week!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!! I think I'm going to head out and watch a movie .
Wow ladies, Iīm enjoying this thread! You make some excellent points here... My two cents follow. You donīt have to agree of course LOL.
I agree that our fave actor needs support now that itīs become trendy for bloggers and such to put him down... and I also agree that reality is inevitably subjective and the absolute truth doesnīt exit sooo... whoīs right, we fans or them haters? IMHO, it doesnīt matter really.
The thing is, he certainly does not leave anyone indifferent, so heīs surely achieved the artistīs primary goal: to make an everlasting impression on his audience, no matter which one... A temporary fall from grace makes him even more appealling, because the process will undoubtedly reverse itself in the future, and thatīs... well, funny. Itīs the eternal return.
Everything about him is twofold. Drama and action. Indie and mainstream. Artsy and popcorn. Charlie and Donald. People love to hate him right now. Theyīll hate to love him again, but... just wait a bit longer LOL.
Hi Tracy, I absolutely agree. The truth is unknown indeed and that is why I think it's important, if people are gonna try to be 'objective', to look at the whole array of possibilities. And I had fun there with my imaginings. I'm not sure I can make statements about 'reality', I think we project our own stuff to create the film we each call 'reality'....and when lots of people catch on to a certain vibe that becomes like a ground swell and suddenly its what becomes 'real'. So the reality like tongue ...who's reality?
My imaginings there were no more, or less real than anybody elses...but, if the kinds of things I was saying were being said more often how different would the 'truth' be?
I don't think it's about people being spiteful or nasty, either. I don't see the world as black and white, there are so many grey areas, and I don't believe in conscious conspiracies so much as self perpetuating ideologies. But I do believe in the power of the media and paradigms and am acutely aware of how things get created from that source.
Yeah, there is a lot worse stuff, I've been around as a Nic fan for 20 years and read around a fair bit. I'm not sure just because worse stuff is there it makes it ok though...I think the whole celebrity culture thing is guite damaging to some extent, it's as if we become numb to it and even start speaking the same language without stepping back and looking at the bigger picture...and questioning It's just my own personal belief. I'm not naive about life...I just have a perspective that questions certain aspects of the status quo.
It's cool to discuss things like this, I'm grateful I've found a way to express myself with this. It is only my point of view, I don't have it all sussed but I was trying to express this somehow. :)
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands
It's why we are Nic fans right? To put a positive spin on what ultimately is construed as negative feedback from moviegoers, websites and blogs on our man Nic.
Nic did say, he doesn't like to surf the net because of all the nasty and hateful things people say - that's got to be tuff so with that said, I gratefully respect your comments.
Keep in mind though Lula, for the all the negative and spiteful things said, just because it's mean, rude or hurtful doesn't mean it's not true or it doesn't mean "all" people set out to hurt and be spiteful.
I work in Hollywood and you would be surprised on all the rude and hurtful things out there said about celebrities that are "unfortunately" TRUE - I've witnessed some of it myself on numerous occassions. Believe it or not, sometimes the tabloids and rags aren't that far off. And, as demonstrated in some of the TMZ comments, people speak with a harsh and passionate but sometimes reality-like tongue that ultimately may offend others. That's the price you pay for being famous - it comes with the terroritory. It's true though, celebs are allowed to have bad days and what's also true, people can say things that aren't true, and that are vindictive and are intended to distroy.
But, as I read those TMZ comments, with the exception of a few... people seem to be generally speaking from the heart even if it's not as upbeat or as positive as a Nic fan would write. In fact, those TMZ comments are mild and tamed compared to some of the awful things people have said about Nic, Alice and Weston. Has anyone seen the infamous "VIDEO?????" or the "How to tell if you're watching a bad Nicolas Cage movie" article?? Or the comments about his hair?? Now that's mean, spiteful, hateful and vindictive!!!
Anyhoo, we all must be here because we are huge fans of Nic and I believe it's also up to us to not only "keep it real" but to also set a tone of compassion and support for the man we all love and adore - Nicolas Cage.
ew.. I agree with you all about the article/blog, on the whole pretty repugnant comments! Blog reading can be a bit of a downer sometimes.
Here's my lula brain take on things. It has sadly become part of this media and blog culture to have this kind of simon cowell put down mentality with this seemingly accepted negative spin on everything, not just towards Nic but other celebrities too. Why is it inevitable people wander down those routes of thought and perpetuate it? We have the choice to consider all the possibilities without making judgements or having preconceived ideas..based on what? On what the media tells us? It's a bit like building a castle in the sand, the foundations aren't there because we just can't know.
Seeing as we can't really know what is going on for Nic and can only guess, I personally think there is a place to put the opposite "spin" on things amongst these blogs....
I'm sure his choices are his own anyhow....and there are women out there who are not calculating money grabbing people, marrying for love, we all adore Nic so why shouldn't Alice? And if any of us were in the lucky position of being in a relationship with Nic would it be for the money? No in my case, so why not for Alice?! I do recall she wanted to return to work but Nic wouldn't let her. How about she's an independent woman who finds herself in the middle of "celebritydom" and unable to return to 'normal' working life. about Nic is selling the properties to invest in something else...something happy, fun, helpful, creative....both his sons education/career, a new film project, maybe he's gonna buy a very rare ancient artifact, or open a museum, or buy a piece of mars, or buy the whole planet..or build a space station...or invest in that invisibility cloak technology to move things along a bit faster.. Or help invest in the worlds first time machine...or I dunno the possibilities are infinite and only limited by what any of us are capable of imagining!
... maybe he won't reinvest it at all, perhaps he wants to convert it into's been a long time I studied economics but I've been reliably informed that's the best way to hold on to the value of your money at this point...maybe he'll keep it at that place they have to store gold in the Harry Potter books!
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands
I know as Nic fans, we don't want to come across as judgemental, rude or negative... but, positive, hopeful and supportive.
Honestly though, the comments from the TMZ website are the tone of what most people think of our guy. Do you think most people saw National Treasure I & II because of Nic or, do you think most people saw it because it's a Disney movie, Jerry Bruckheimer produced and, had a tone which mimiced the very successful and popular Indiana Jones? If it's not NT, people just don't want to spend cash to see him.
There's a reason why our guy has been looking so bad and drained and I don't think it has anything to do with Ka-el. I personally believe the comment #9 about 'over extending' himself. The market is bad and if you're trying to sell your property to liquidate your assets to cash, you're going to be stressed and screwed big time.
As for Alice, his wife... Divorce?? Hmmm... Nic was married to Patricia Arquette for 5 years but they actually separated and lived in different homes 9 months after they wed! I mean, I'm sure Alice is a sweet girl and she may be making our guy very happy - Who knows... but I'm sure he's probably well aware, he became the butt of many jokes when he married Alice not to mention people comparing him to Woody Allen (Woody married his korean adopted daughter) which was cruel and just wrong...
But Nic has always stepped to the beat of his own drum and has made decisions which have both helped and hurt him. The good thing is, through all of the turmoil in his life, he's proven to be a survivor, fighter and show real fire - lets just hope nothing extinguishes the flames - personally or professionally.
Whatever the reasons are... I hope he gets what heīs looking for, and that it provides him with some peace of mind. Which he seems to be in shortage of at this point in his life... Just a personal impression, I could be wrong and in fact I wish I was proved wrong.
You're right Sam, this isn't a very nice blurb nor are the comments.
It's highly possible that unloading all of his properties is part of Nic's master plan of wanting to cut back on acting/work when Kal turns five or so.
If he wants to maintain his type of help.....luxuries.....but he's not working and bringing in the money, then unloading all the assests that he owns that do not produce an income is a good idea so he has the cash to live off of.
The timing of all this just looks bad cuz of the horrible economic times we live in and Nic probably won't get the money he wants to his houses but....usually there is a trade off in life. If he wants to stick to retiring by the time Kal starts full time school, he'll do what's best for Kal and take the bite money wise.
Then again, maybe it is pretty dismal right now for Nic and heck......prayers sent heavenwards for him is a wonderful thing to do at any time.
-- Edited by PITA B at 13:02, 2008-12-28
Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. ~~~~Shakti Gawain~~~~
I'm trying to get back in the swing of things here guys. I did a blog search/news search on Nicolas on Google and found this article that I had never seen before. I know we've discussed why Nic might be selling all of his properties but this article is not very nice. The comments are pretty brutal. But sometimes 'rumors' can be true. I hope and pray that these 'rumors' aren't for Nic's sake. Please pray for him guys. I feel very strongly about this for some reason.
The Cagester has just listed his New Orleans home for $3.7 million -- which is the third house Cage has on the market -- and it's a bad time to sell, to say the least.
In addition to the 13,000 sq. foot N.O. home that was just listed on, Cage has listed his homes in Rhode Island and Bel Air, at $15.9 million and $30 million respectively.
And Cage recently sold his 132 foot yacht -- reportedly for $7.7 million.
If Nic shows up at your front door with a pillow and a sleeping bag, now you know why.
No comment yet from Cage's people.
Comments from readers:
1. We can only hope he's giving up acting to start a music career.
Posted at 1:12PM on Oct 29th 2008 by Luke Warmwater
6. Probably getting rid of his assets. His career went down the drain since he married that young girl. Hopefully he will come to his senses and get rid of her too. He is too nice of a guy to be in such a rut.
7. I think Nic is getting ready for an Obama presidency. He's gonna be taxed out the ying yang so he's selling it off before Obama is sworn in. I bet his money won't stay in an American bank.
Posted at 1:25PM on Oct 29th 2008 by Runnin' From Obama
8. There is a rumor that his golddigger wife is burning through his money! Hope get's rid or her soon!
9. He joins the lenghtening list of actors/celebs. falling victim to this real estate view...Perhaps he overextended himself. Who knows.....Posted at 1:58PM on Oct 29th 2008 by Jabarten
12. Maybe the mortgage company is calling in his loan. A lot of times it is not up to the owner, it is up to the bank. He may just be reacting to the credit crunch.
15. Nicholas Cage is now a full-time SUGAR DADDY for his new 20'something wife...this liquidation process is probably being undertaken to support their lifestyle.