I agree with you all. He is so congruent and true to himself...incredibly intelligent too. He must be very grounded to maintain his focus and vision surrounded by the winds that blow at him from all directions. He seems to just keep going, keeping his centre, but at the same time taking the risks and not losing the energy and passion.
Holy plasma balls ~ Blake the Master Sorcerer ~ Magic in his hands
He definitely works hard and has an eye for the eclectic. His work is as varied and as interesting as the man himself. Nicolas really should be applauded not only for working hard, but for seeking out the unusual in what he does as well. His authenticity really shines through in his body of work too. He's so genuine. It's refreshing that there's someone out there in Hollywood who can actually be called real and it's the truth for once. He sparkles on so many levels.
If you don't think your own thoughts and pursue your own dreams, you are living someone else's life. Here's to the sculpture within!" - Joy Golden
Yeah.........ya can't look down on the guy for being such a diligent worker or for the enthusiasm he shows for his work!
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~~~Stephen Levine~~~