Paul Newman has such a good heart. His soul is as magnanimous as the universe. It's my belief that his work will perpetuate long after he has physically left this earth because his spirit will ensure that it continues from beyond. I had no idea that he was ill and it saddens me to hear of his struggles. I hope he, Joanne, and the rest of his family find peace. He is a beacon in a selfish world and he deserves to feel the warmth and sunlight of God on his face wherever he goes forever. Bless his heart.
If you don't think your own thoughts and pursue your own dreams, you are living someone else's life. Here's to the sculpture within!" - Joy Golden
This is an interesting blurb to read along the same lines as we've been talking about in this thread.
It's about Paul Newman's HOLE IN THE WALL camp for terminally ill children. Everyone is wondering what will happen to all the charitable foundations Paul Newman set up in his lifetime now that he is apparently very, very ill. I hope somone keeps his good works alive....and may God smile upon such a good man!
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~~~Stephen Levine~~~
I really appreciate the support from both of you. It means a lot, Mara and Bonnie. It's nice to know you two back the idea and have even thought of it before. That must mean others value it too and may even give it some credence. Now I'm just waiting for a pm or two from someone who will give it the chance it truly deserves. I know we can make it happen. Anybody out there is welcome to help. Thank you for letting me know you care and are in my corner. Sometimes the belief that it deserves a shot is the only catalyst a vision needs to bloom into reality. You guys are my stars. :) Please pray for the orphans and this project and maybe we can find more angels like you to help it take flight. Bless your hearts.
Bonnie, your quote is precious.
-- Edited by Cagey at 15:05, 2008-07-22
If you don't think your own thoughts and pursue your own dreams, you are living someone else's life. Here's to the sculpture within!" - Joy Golden
I also wish you luck with this project, which sounds very close to your heart. The women´s movement and the orpahns need every helping hand they can get hold of.
Believe it or not but not to long ago, I actually had a conversation with a friend of mine about doing something like this...........
I hope that someone in this world makes this type of idea happen. And soon. Maybe it will be you! Good luck!
If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~~~Stephen Levine~~~
This plan would be open to any actors, producers, directors who would be interested in helping.
100 percent of the proceeds would be donated to a world children's orphanage charity: Basically, a home for homeless children worldwide where they would reside for life.
Homes would be small group homes : small orphanages housing no more than six children who would grow up together as family units and are never separated throughout life. Staff would sign permanent, decade long contracts locking them in to providing care for the children for this sustained time period. All staff would be screened for criminal background and would receive full benefits including room and board in exchange for their service helping the children.
Children would receive the following services:
Full medical, dental, vision benefits. Public education and state college tuition Mentor program/paired with criminally screened mentors/elderly and well-qualified adults in the community technology/fitness center access farm w/horses and polo program for children to learn sportsmanship and animal husbandry and equestrianship rather than violent contact sports pool for swimming weight and fitness equipment
Funding would be provided this way:
100 percent through my film proceeds I am in the process of writing a radical satire I am willing to pitch it to whomever will listen and take me seriously It is innovative and has only been attempted lightly once before on film sort of that I am aware of in the past
I need everyone involved in the project to donate 100 percent of everything so that tickets to the film can be 100 percent tax deductible and all proceeds can go directly to the orphanage fund to support the Orphanage Project. I desperately want and need all the funding to go directly to the kids. I do not want a cent. I thought of Nicolas for this because I thought largely unestablished actors would be willing to take the roles for no money. Maybe Nicolas would know producers with a heart who could at least donate time to find people who could do this for no money. It is not a sci fi thing. It will not have to cost a lot. It is a project that explores how men mistreat women in our society. It says a lot about reverse discrimination - sort of the opposite of How to Rent a Negro. I hope someone who cares will get in touch with me. I currently can't access my own computer due to password issues so I am sending this out from the Newport Public Library. I will look for a pm from anybody who wants to help. I have been out of commission for a little while so I hope you will bear with me. I am totally for real. I mean it with all of my heart. I sincerely want to help the kids. My dad was a foster child. Nobody in this world deserves to be a foster child and nobody deserves to be shuttled around if he or she is. Everyone deserves love and a permanent home. God bless.
If you don't think your own thoughts and pursue your own dreams, you are living someone else's life. Here's to the sculpture within!" - Joy Golden